Blarney Castle is an enchanting medieval stronghold in Blarney, County Cork. It was originally built in the 10th century and later reconstructed in the 15th Century.

The surrounding acres of lush green parkland and beautiful gardens are a delightful experience. Visitors can take a magical and mythical journey through the themed gardens: the Druid’s Circle, the Witch’s Cave and the Wishing Steps.

However, it is the Blarney Stone that usually draws the most visitors from all over the world. According to legend, kissing the Blarney stone, grants you the gift of eloquence and persuasiveness, otherwise known as the “gift of the gab”.
The stone is set in the castle wall. Those tourists seeking to gain this special gift, must lean backwards over a parapet to kiss the stone. Did you get the gift of the gab from kissing the Blarney Stone?? Let me know!